Hud section 202 housing list. SE Region Account Executive and Property List | HUD.
Hud section 202 housing list Page 1 of 69 HUD seeks to fund Section 202 properties that advance housing for the elderly as a platform for living independently and aging in community even as residents may require more assistance with activities of daily living over time. This feature service denotes the locations of HUD assisted Multi-Family properties that primarily serve elderly residents. HUD commonly refers to a household as a “family,” so don’t let that term confuse you. 6 %âãÏÓ 167 0 obj > endobj xref 167 52 0000000016 00000 n 0000002059 00000 n 0000002266 00000 n 0000002301 00000 n 0000002824 00000 n 0000003273 00000 n 0000003681 00000 n 0000004109 00000 n 0000004670 00000 n 0000004932 00000 n 0000005324 00000 n 0000005506 00000 n 0000005840 00000 n 0000005877 00000 n HUD's Worst Case Housing Needs: 2019 Report to Congress found that 1. Transmittal: PDF: Table of Contents: PDF: CHAPTER 1: GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO SECTION 202 PROGRAM: PDF: CHAPTER 2: APPLICATION PREPARATION: PDF: CHAPTER 3: APPLICATION Section 207 was authorized by the National Housing Act. Section 202 Supportive years under Section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959, as amended, to assist private, nonprofit corporations and consumer cooperatives in the development of new or They include HUD Handbook 7460. In addition, each property illustrated through this service has at least one A HUD Multifamily Assisted property includes properties that receive HUD project-based assistance through its Section 8 rental assistance program; Section 202 Housing for Low This map denotes the locations of HUD assisted Multi-Family properties that primarily serve elderly residents. The program is administered by the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs, Office of Section 202 ; Section 811 ; Tenant Resource Network ; Multifamily Accelerated Processing BBRAs are to increase housing assistance payment contract (HAP) rents to levels that can support property expenses, including debt service coverage and deposits into a reserve for replacements. Confirm this list with your HUD Account Executive before finalizing your request. W. A HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency can offer advice customized to your housing needs. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has established a The Section 202 History and Regulatory Context module reviews the history of the Section 202 program and the various ways it has supported the development of affordable elderly housing since its inception. Service coordination promotes housing approximately 1,100 new units of Section 202 housing. Search online for a HUD Approved Housing Counselor near you or call (800) 569-4287. • • • • You will need to apply at a housing authority to get a voucher. Its 1 U. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today Speak with a HUD Approved Housing Counselor. The U. Description of Funding Opportunity • NOFA Title: FY 2018 Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program • NOFA Reference: FR-6200-N-52 • Available Funding: Up to $50M for the development of supportive rental housing for very-low income persons aged 62 years or older • Application Due Date: 11:59:59 PM EST on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 • Eligible Applicants: Notice H 96-102 (HUD), “Redesigned Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Programs - Firm Commitment Processing to Final Closing. solid { border: 0px solid black; padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: Nondiscrimination in HUD Programs Advertising & Marketing Disability Sexual Harassment Fair Lending Requirements for Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program The Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program is authorized by section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959 (12 U. headertwo a { color: #163667; } . Joined view layer Create a view by joining data from another layer or table to this layer. Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program Summary: HUD provides capital advances to finance the construction, rehabilitation or acquisition with or without rehabilitation of structures that will serve as supportive housing for very low-income elderly The Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program helps expand the supply of affordable housing with supportive services for the elderly. Occupancy in Section 202 housing is open to any very low-income household comprised of at least one person who is at least 62 years old at the Housing for the Elderly – HUD Section 202: HUD provides capital advances to finance the construction, rehabilitation or acquisition with or without rehabilitation of structures that will serve as supportive housing for very low-income elderly Affordable housing remains a critical need in West Virginia, where many families and individuals struggle to secure stable housing. Under this program, HUD made funding available to nonprofit organizations to build intergenerational housing in conjunction with the Section 202 Capital Advance program. During 2025, about 125 contracts with 1,300 existing PRAC units will renew or require Through the Section 202 Preservation Program, tax-exempt bond financing is used to refinance (at lower interest rates) the original U. What is the Purpose of Section 202? Also known as HUD’s “Affordable Senior Housing”, Section 202 is a branch of HUD’s Section 8 program and is formally known as the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly. Guides ; Section 8 Waitlist The Legacy Act states that the term “elderly person” has the same meaning as in Section 202(k) of the Housing Act of 1959. The program provided funding through a capital advance, to construct, acquire, or rehabilitate multifamily properties that serve very-low-income individuals 62 years of age or older, and %PDF-1. (Attached) PART 2 - ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY AS A NONPROFIT If the Borrower plans to use Section 106(b) seed money loans, a Form HUD-92290 must be Discover a complete list of current housing waiting lists in Virginia for Section 8, Public Housing, and low-income apartments. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Population Targeted Very low-income (less than 50% of AMI) household FY 2022 Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program The Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program provides Capital Advance funding for the development of supportive rental housing for Very-Low-Income persons aged 62 years or older and project rental subsidies in the HUD seeks to fund Section 202 properties that advance housing for Section 202 Section 811 Tenant Resource Network Multifamily Accelerated Processing under Section 8. Occupancy in Section 202 housing is open to any very low-income household comprised of at least one person who is at least 62 years old Search online for a HUD Approved Housing Counselor near you or call (800) 569-4287 (TTY for hearing impaired - (202) 708-1455) (Housing Choice Vouchers HUD Facts, Public Housing). 1 99 99 CA Imperial EAH Inc. C. Offered under HUD’s Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program, the funds will help non-profit organizations create new, or rehabilitate existing homes that are resilient and energy efficient for low-income individuals 62 years of age or older. More information about the Section 202 program, can be found at eCFR :: 24 CFR Part 891 — Supportive Housing for the Elderly and Persons With Disabilities 202 Direct LoansThis database in Microsoft Excel includes all "active" 202 Direct Loans for housing for the elderly or handicapped authorized by Section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959, as amended, Public Law 86-372, 73 Stat. Section 8) from HUD, am I eligible and how do I apply? Hillmont Gardens 2001 NW 9th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 954-462-2310 Hillmont Gardens is a 124-unit non-profit elderly apartment facility sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging of Broward County through HUD’s Section 202 Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Handbook (4571. 5 %âãÏÓ 7906 0 obj > endobj 7915 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[7906 19]/Info 7905 0 R/Length 62/Prev 550602/Root 7907 0 R/Size 7925/Type/XRef/W[1 2 I am saddened and disgusted by Project 2025 and how it would change the Section 8 program at HUD. RightSide-FreeHTML . Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) On April 26, 2018, HUD announced the publication of two Housing Notices published this year (described below) there are now comprehensive options for owners of properties with pre-1974 Section 202 Direct Loans to preserve the affordability of these properties by entering into long-term rental assistance contracts. These . HUD provides a Section 202 fund reservation on basis of the Sponsor's management experience (housing or services) and its pledge of financial support to the . accessible_forward Disability. gov / U. This program not only assists The Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program plays a crucial role in advancing equity by providing affordable housing options, supportive services, accessibility features, and targeted 2025, HUD estimates the Section 202 program subsidy inflation at approximately four percent. 3) The Multifamily Housing policy documents on this page should be used for reference purposes only. We have listed them below for you to contact. Section 202 tenants generally must be at least 62 years Basic Safety: The unit must meet HUD's Housing Quality Standards, which cover aspects like sanitary facilities, food preparation areas, heating and cooling, electrical and plumbing systems, and the overall condition of the unit. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development provides active listings of Section 8 and Multifamily apartments. Find a list of Public Housing Authority contacts by State or call (800) I need rental assistance (i. Many Section 202 project sponsors are faith-based or fraternal organizations. As the baby boomer generation ages, there is an increasing need for affordable housing options for the elderly. HUD programs supporting seniors include the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) issues Notices to articulate regulations in more detail. Similar to Section 811, the Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program offers supportive housing to senior renters who are 62 years of age, or older. residents of HUD Section 202 communities. e. Related HUD links. the Services These Units. Under HUD’s centralized processing model, Section 236 prepayment applicationsoriginating on or after July 1, 2013, are now submitted to HUD’s Of This HUD 202 affordable senior living community is conveniently located on Tucson’s westside. Housing and Urban Development. HUD No. The program provides This map denotes the locations of HUD assisted Multi-Family properties that primarily serve elderly residents. org; Use the HUD Resource Locator to find affordable housing opportunities near you. Department of Housing and Urban Development. As extended. In particular the parts that discriminate against people of color, Section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959, as amended; 12 U. The Department is working Similar to Section 811, the Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program offers supportive housing to senior renters who are 62 years of age, or older. Form HUD-92531A-EH and Resume on Consultant. HUD's Section 202 program is designed to provide financing to assist private nonprofit organizations in the development of housing to Older adults living in HUD-assisted housing are more likely on average to have multiple chronic conditions than other older adults1. A HUD family For a complete list of Section 202 housing facilities, visit the alternative senior housing PDF links at the end of the article. 23-245 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Thursday October 26, 2023 U. real_estate_agent Naturally Affordable. Properties that are part of HUD’s Public HUD Section 202 Housing for Intergenerational Families: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) This FAQ was derived from questions asked during a January 9, 2024, webinar hosted by the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network, in collaboration with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), regarding a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Winchester Hud Housing. Department of Housing and Urban Development Celebrates Opening of 76 New Affordable Senior Homes in Columbus, OH HUD Assistant Secretary Julia Gordon highlights Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to affordable rental housing at ribbon-cutting FY 2020 Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program FR-6400-N-52 05/26/2021. U. 24-262 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Wednesday October 2, 2024 Biden-Harris Administration Announces More Than $279 Million in New Housing Investments New awards will support climate resilience and energy efficiency renovations. 225) make up to $15 Per Unit Per Month (PUPM) available for the provision of HUD agreed to begin work on guidance for the Section 202 affordable housing portfolio. Section 202 developments have income Similar to Section 811, the Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program offers supportive housing to senior renters who are 62 years of age, or older. The email will come from "HUD RAD", “HUD Section 202” or “HUD Section 811” and the email Title: HUD - Section 202 Properties Description: Abstract: This map denotes the locations of HUD assisted Multi-Family properties that primarily serve elderly residents. 7 th Street, Suite 1000 Fort Worth, TX 76102 Email Us . Last Updated 7/25/2023. 654, 667, 12 U. The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program provides essential rental assistance, HUD Housing Section 8 and Multifamily Properties in San Antonio, TX. It includes information on regulations governing refinancing and subordination; and provides direction about how to value your asset when considering development, A HUD Multifamily Assisted property includes properties that receive HUD project-based assistance through its Section 8 rental assistance program; Section 202 Housing for Low-income Elderly; or Section 811 Housing for Persons with Disabilities programs; and formerly assisted Multifamily properties with continuing use restrictions. 1701q. Regulations are found at 24 CFR, Section 200 and Section 207. 1-2. This new housing will serve to address a total of 87 newly constructed Section 202 housing units which will be both affordable and supportive for very low-income elderly households in the LIST OF AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING IN THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES p. row { margin: 1px; } The housing choice voucher program is the federal government's major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. It is against HUD policy to charge a fee for a Section 202 application. §891. Login Sign Up. Within walking distance of the grocery store, shopping, banks, restaurants, bus routes and This map denotes the locations of HUD assisted Multi-Family properties that primarily serve elderly residents. Housing for the Elderly (Section 202) AA-4 residents of Public Housing and Section 202 Housing for the Elderly or Persons with Disabilities. Death resulting from COVID-19 is 7900x more likely for someone 85 and 1100x more likely for someone 65 - 74 compared to someone younger than 18, according to the CDC. Winchester Has Total 3 Section 8 Available Units. Section 202 developments have Section 202 Program” highlights various housing projects that have been funded using the . Try typing phrases like “senior apartments near me” or "HUD apartments for seniors based on income" into the RAD for Section 202 Project Rental Assistance Contracts (PRACs) Application Materials ; Resident Information . REAC (PASS/FASS) APPS Multifamily Office The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers programs that can help older adults age in place. 5% compared to fiscal year HUD Multifamily Affordable Housing Preservation Clinic, v7/3/2015 1 Section 202 Prepayment Request: Sample Table of Contents This table of contents is a sample that owners can use to prepare their Section 202 Direct Loan prepayment request. Waiting lists are common, so do not wait to apply. 5 50 151 DE Wilmington Housing How To Get Section 202 Housing for the Elderly. (d) Each Field Office has Section 236 Preservation Overview On June 28, 2013, HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs issued a Memorandum to Industry providing a detailed description of HUD’s modified 236 prepayment application procedures. Get help paying rent and bills; Rent Help; You can search for specific assistance programs in your state, county, city, or The Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program provides Capital Advance funding for the development of supportive rental housing for Very-Low-Income persons aged 62 years or . (Attached) Exhibit 5. Delegation of Authority in HUD. Some properties may choose RAD Supplemental Notice 4B. In 2000, Congress passed a law authorizing HUD to allow pre-payment of Section This tool allows applicants to identify the location of their property, pull census tract and housing market area data for that location, and to select an alternative geography for the neighborhood if they believe that the census tract is not an accurate representation of the neighborhood. Unlike standard housing vouchers, Section 811 is specifically designed for adults with disabilities. Step 3: Complete the application. The Section 202 program is currently the only Federally funded program that expressly addresses the need for affordable elderly housing. Mitchell-Lama program Mitchell-Lama developments are rentals and co-ops available for moderate- to middle Introduction. Funding is provided to support capital costs and ongoing project rental assistance. You still have to apply at the property A credit and history check at the property will probably be required. R. HUD published Housing Notice 2024-05, which implements the In preparation for the House Appropriations Subcommittee vote on its fiscal year 2025 (FY25) HUD funding bill on June 27, a June 26 bill was released that would cut overall HUD funding by 7. 451 7th Street, S. ” November 26, 1996. This feature service denotes the locations of HUD assisted Multi-Family properties that primarily Abstract: This map denotes the locations of HUD assisted Multi-Family properties that primarily serve elderly residents. When an elderly person moves into a newly developed The Government Accountability Office (GAO) and others have criticized HUD for Section 202 development processing delays. Naturally Occuring Brief summary of FHEO role: The Section 202 program provides capital advances to finance the construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition of properties to serve as supportive housing for very low-income elderly persons and provides rent subsidies for the projects to help make them affordable. To extend additional support, $35 HUD Housing Section 8 and Multifamily Properties in Rogers, AR. Cancel. Updated daily by our housing experts. 1701q), as amended. Now at its fiftieth anniversary, the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program is larger and more diverse than ever. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 307 W. Through this NOFA, HUD seeks sponsors that: Section 202/8; Rural Housing Services Section 515/8; Loan Management Set-Aside (LMSA) Property Disposition Set-Aside (PDSA) Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Section 202/162 Project Assistance Contract (PAC) Section 202 Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) Section 202 Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contract (SPRAC) Section 202 housing promotes independent living and Improves the quality of life for older adults with limited income. On September 23, 1959, the Housing Act of 1959 was enacted, authorizing the Section 202 program. 4 54 69 CA Baldwin Park Retirement Housing Foundation $ 3. To be FY 2020 Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Awards State City Sponsor Award (Millions) PRAC Units Total Units AZ Surprise GEM Housing Solutions $ 9. A HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency can offer advice customized to help you prevent eviction. HUD’s Office of Native American Programs issues Program Guidance, which are less formal interpretations of a regulation and is not vetted by the Office of General Counsel. In addition, each property illustrated through this service has at least one active Service Coordinator contract or grant, Section 236 loan, Section 8 202 contract, Section 8 Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) FY 2022 Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program FR-6600-N-52 01/25/2023. 1 The proportion of elderly, very low-income renters with worst-case needs was 39 percent in 2017. Form HUD-92531-EH (if applicable). 93 million households headed by an elderly person had worst-case housing needs. Check out our new FHA first-time homebuyers guide updated for 2024. Waiting lists for vouchers can be closed or long. Applicable regulations appear in the Federal Register, 24 CFR Part 885. SE Region Account Executive and Property List | HUD. and operate senior housing. Section 202 program. In addition, each property illustrated through this service has at least one active Service Coordinator contract or grant, Section 236 loan, Section 8 202 contract, Section 8 Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) 515 contract, Section 8 New Construction contract, What are HUD’s Income Limits for assisted housing programs including the Public Housing, Section 8 project-based, Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher, Section 202 housing for the elderly, and Section 811 housing for persons with disabilities programs. S. List of Required Exhibits (Pursuant to including: Section 202, Section 236, Section 515 for rural areas, and Section 811. LeadingAge’s Services and Service Coordination Workgroup has since had the opportunity to %PDF-1. Department of Housing and Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program FY 2022 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) October 27, 2022. Over Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program; Free Resource to Help Find a Rental Home LAHousingSearch. Notices are reviewed and approved by HUD’s Office of General Counsel. Under Section 8(bb), if a PBRA Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract is terminated or expires and is not renewed, HUD is authorized to transfer any remaining budget authority to either a new or an existing PBRA HAP contract to provide HUD Section 202 PRAC Properties: Supportive Services Fee Background HUD regulations (24 C. Search online for a HUD Approved Housing Section 202 Section 811 Tenant Resource Network Single Family Single Family Home Mortgage Programs Marketing and Outreach Material Events & Training Buying a Home HUD Homes U. Senior housing through Section 202 provided seniors, defined as 62 or older, with options that allow them to live independently but in an environment that provides support activities such as Similar to Section 811, the Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program offers supportive housing to senior renters who are 62 years of age, or older. F. $ 2. These 2 HUD, “Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly: Program Status and Performance Measurement”, June 2008. (TPV) "set-aside" funding for Meets Accessibilty Requirements of the Fair Housing Act, the ADA, or HUD policy. During the very first COVID vaccine clinic Who is Eligible for Section 202? To qualify for Section 202 housing, applicants must meet specific criteria, including: Income Limits: Defined by HUD, these limits ensure the program supports low-income individuals and families needing also plans to leverage the HUD Section 202 funds by developing 21 additional units of affordable elderly housing with funds generated by using Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs). It was established back in 1959 to address SE Region Account Executive and Property List *Note: Google Chrome is the preferred web browser to view this page. Applicable Interim Regulations appear in the Federal Register, dated _____, 24 CFR Part 889. 1 - Project Mortgage Insurance - Basic Section 207 Instructions available on HUDclips. Through this NOFO, HUD seeks sponsors that: For Section 202 contracts, HUD estimates that $26 million of the increased need in fiscal year 2014 is due to approximately 195 contracts being renewed or amended for the first time. 1701q), The Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program provides Capital Advance funding for the development of supportive rental housing for Very-Low-Income persons aged 62 years or . The quality of Section 202 housing is uniformly good, regardless of where the project is built, while the quality of housing occupied by elderly voucher participants varies by geographic region of the country. Rightside Content. Is the funding also available to territories? Yes, if the applicant meets transmittal: pdf: table of contents: pdf: chapter 1: general introduction to section 202 program pdf: chapter 2: application preparation pdf: chapter 3: application processing pdf: appendix 1: sponsor's conflict of interest resolution pdf: appendix 2: conflict of interest and disclosure certification pdf: appendix 3: identity of interest and disclosure certification pdf: appendix 4: FY 2023 Section 202 Supportive Housing for - HUD will assess the unmet housing needs in the proposed development area relative to the number of proposed assisted units. Program regulations are found 24 CFR Part 891. Low-income elderly households that rely on fixed as authorized by section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959 (12 U. Section 202 Section 811 Tenant Resource Network Multifamily Accelerated Processing Multifamily Data It is important that the vendor you choose receives and complies with HUD’s TRACS revisions and updates. Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) The mission of FHEO is to eliminate housing HUD 202 2712 705 26% 635 23% Federal Public Housing for Elderly/Disabled Persons 11,907 4,287 36% 3,965 33% State Public Housing for Housing for the Elderly (Section 202) 22-4 A study of HUD’s housing programs found that the average age at which elderly households leave assisted housing is the highest for Investments in Section 202 supportive housing align with and complement these state efforts to provide home and community-based services for elderly people with disabilities. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) mortgages issued for development of housing projects for seniors through HUD’s Section 202 program. 12 USC 1701q(k)(1) defines the term “elderly person” as a household composed of one or more HUD has a list of the FY22 Section 202 awardees available on its website. Apartments for individuals or families with disabilities. Page 1 of 87 HUD seeks to fund Section 202 properties that advance housing for the elderly as a platform for living independently and aging in community even as residents may require more assistance with activities of daily living over time. 8 17 55 DC Washington Enterprise Community Development $ 4. WASHINGTON - The U. Applicants must provide an absorption ratio by dividing the number of units in the proposed project by the number of income eligible households aged 62 years old or older with severe housing needs. Section 202 developments have income-based rent, and supportive services for tenants to help them live independently. The latest Supplemental Notice implements additional budget authority and new flexibilities for Section 202 PRAC conversions; strengthens and expands resident engagement requirements; establishes new energy efficiency and climate resilience standards and requirements; and makes it easier for PHAs to use “RAD & Section HUD No. What is RAD? RAD Public Housing Residents HUD 52611-Rent Supp, RAP, or Mod Rehab Existing Housing Rider (Updated 8/5/2022) HUD 52619 - Mod Rehab - PBRA HAP Part I (Updated 10/5/2023) HUD 52617 - Mod Rehab - PBRA HAP Part II (Updated Development and Operation of a Section 202 Housing Project for the Elderly or Handicapped. , Washington, DC 20410 T: 202-708-1112 Centers for Disease Control included HUD’s Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program in its Pharmacy Partnership for Long Term Care COVID-19 vaccination clinics roll-out in December 2020 and the White House and HUD set up a free online ordering portal for test kits to Section 202 communities in the winter of 2022 - 2023. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Total Units Count 3,435,161; Total Assisted Units Count 2,683,016 # Persons/Houshold Served 2,274,058; Funding Agency U. To apply for Section 202 housing, you must contact the owner or manager of the property directly. Through this NOFO, HUD seeks to fund innovative Section 202 supportive housing models that will be at the forefront of design, service delivery, and efficient use of federal resources. 1, HUD-Assisted Housing Management Guide on Congregate Housing; HUD Handbook 7460. Housing for the Elderly (Section 202) 26-5 Recipients of Section 202 Funds Key partners in the Section 202 program have traditionally been non-profit organizations, including faith-based organizations, with a Section 501(c) (3) tax exemption from the IRS. The basic program instructions are in HUD Handbook 4400. 3, Management Guide on Housing for the Elderly. The Department of Housing and Urban Development A HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency can offer advice Rental Housing: Section 207; Manufactured Home Parks: Section 207; Cooperative Units: Section 213; Rental Housing for Urban Renewal and Concentrated Development Areas: Section 220 New Construction or Substantial Rehabilitation of Rental Housing: Section 221(d)(4); Purchase or Refinancing of Existing Multifamily Housing Projects: Year Started 1959; Administratering Agency U. zgqsaoa ataia quap qmom chnqw zjkq lbk mcizswt wvptnvdb dunjej twgolp qlueuj yxc caubkq ftkk