Time plot in comsol. I have a solution of y and x as a function of time.

Time plot in comsol I have used COMSOL (5. I realize that this is because the 1D Line Plot can show display multiple times in the same plot at Compound plots with Comsol. Plot and observe the solution at, and immediately before, the time step where the solver fails. I guess that answers your original question. Now what I want to have is a 2D Have you ever tried to plot multiple quantities on one graph, only to realize that the scales don’t match up? You can solve this problem by adding a second y-axis to your 1D plot to include two scales of values. The solver found a solution that met all the criteria defined in the solver settings. 3a in results section (post-processing) However, I think this method is a quite bit time-consuming. I cannot get it to display what the actual time is during the animation. I am trying to plot the average temperature of a specific object in my geometry over time. If I adjust the time Plot the change of a variable over the whole simulation time in one point Posted Jan 19, 2012, 8:35 a. I tried adding electrical circuits to my model and connected external I-terminal 1 to the terminal from I have a solution of y and x as a function of time. Then add a "Line graph" by right-clicking the new 1D Plot group. I need to be able to display the time on the plot to be able to know the time instant the plot represents. 025 s as time step but comsol plots every 0. EDT Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), You agree that time=0 is not exactly 0 in Comsol? If you just run the simulation and then stop it before the last time step, you will see the answer for time=0 Thanks, Hooman . Can someone explain how to do this? I have used COMSOL (5. You can type a monotonically increasing list of individual values, for example, 0 1 2 5 10 20; use the range operator, for example, range(0,0. For interpolated output, which is the default, the COMSOL Multiphysics software does not store any values for the residual; you therefore get an empty plot for the interpolated times. I would like to make a graph of temperature in a specific location as a function of time. However, I am interested in plotting AC voltage w. As a next step we can of course also visualize the To plot results in another window, right-click the plot group node or the plot node and select a plot window from the Plot In submenu. If you want to plot along a random line in your geometry, then go to Results, and right-click Data sets => "2D Cut Line" (or 3D if you're in 3D). I hope this helps Cheers . Please login with a confirmed plot temperature from Study 1/Store Solution 1 for t = 0 to t = 100 and using Study 1/Solution 1 for values of time > 100. 061, but when I am trying to prepare the plot for this interpolation fn the maximum value is around 59!! I attached my txt file plus the picture of the plot that I Some of the plot types featured include Volume, Surface, and Line plots, which are used to show result quantities on volumes, boundaries, and edges; Arrow plots, which are used to display vector quantities; Slice plots, for viewing quantities on slices within 3D domains; Contour and COMSOL can straightforwardly plot the concentration variable as a funcion of the space as a color map in a 2D surface plot, for each time step. If you instead want to evaluate in a point with arbitrary coordinates: 1. Results: Add a 1D Plot Group. Go Convergence plots use graphics to show how an error estimate or time step evolves during the solution process for nonlinear, time dependent, and parametric solvers. 0 Replies Last Post Jun 19, 2014, 11:42 a. The COMSOL Multiphysics Time Dependent Controlling the Time Dependent solver time steps. ; In the Table window that opens (called Solution 1/Time-Dependent Solver 1, for example), click the Table Graph button in the window's toolbar to create a plot of the reciprocal step size. Hello Deepika To control which solvers generate convergence plots, click the Convergence Plot Settings () button in The Progress Window toolbar to select or clear the convergence plots for each solver. A 2D graph, with time on the x-axis and temperature (averaged) on y Specifically, I would like to plot u1 on the horizontal axis and u2 on the vertical axis, and for a given listed time point in the solution I would like the tuple (u1,u2) for all grid points to be represented in the u1-u2-diagram. This graph uses interpolated time which points to the dummy time parameter t1. Isosurface plots display your results on a set of colored surfaces where the results quantity is constant. Learn how to compute integrals over space or time and use the result of these integrals elsewhere in your model. At any time during plot creation, click the Plot button ( ) to visualize a dataset or plot. 5), which In my numerical model, I am working with piezoelectric devices multiphysics module. Posted Jun 6, 2013, 2:58 p. COMSOL Moderator. This means that the software will automatically adjust the timestep size to maintain the desired Relative in the plot (3D or 2D) connected to your time dependent step, go to "Range" and in "Manual color range" you can specify the max and min values to be assigned to the colour scale. We will use t1 to animate the plot. Select None for no title. Add a or subnode as needed. COMSOL can straightforwardly plot the concentration variable as a funcion of the space as a color map in a 2D surface plot, for each time step. Click on Plot in the settings window's toolbar. You can use a Slice plot to display a quantity on one or more cross-sectional areas within your 3D domain, usually to visualize the change in a variable throughout the If you proceed to plot this (for example, on a slice through your 3D domain), then I think it only plots the real part by default. Attachments: Untitled13. Posted: 9 years ago . I have flow through a tube, with obstacles in the flow. Please login To plot results in another window, right-click the plot group node or the plot node and select a plot window from the Plot In submenu. 1D Plot Group: Add a Point Graph. EST Fluid & Heat, Microfluidics, Porous Media Flow, Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, Variables, & Functions, Results & Visualization Version 4. Now I get on x- and y-axes the value of the probe, i. Is there a syntax to write it COMSOL like "y - y(1,1)"? Any help or suggestion. 1) For each mode, I calculated and . In addition, we add the following data sets: A Revolution 2D data set to visualize the 2D axisymmetric solution in a corresponding 3D cylindrical geometry; Two Cut Point 2D data sets to evaluate and plot a graph of the temperature in a reference location I would like to create a 1D plot where I evaluate an expression along a cut line, but in that expression, I would like to use my previously defined derived value as a constant. You can edit the indicator if desired. Here is the problem: I am modeling a long fuel pipe closed at both ends with an internal fuel pressure of 150 psi. 2. My study type is frequency domain in this case. In order to display them in an array, you can use the "Translation" sub-node for the individual 2D plots to move them within the common plot window 2. I was not able to include the time parameter into the plot. 1 Reply Last Post Jul 13, 2020, 7:13 a. The algebraic residual data only makes sense for actual time steps taken by the solver. I need to do the same thing. You can also use it as a player directly in the COMSOL Desktop Graphics window. Would you please suggest how I can set up the boundary condition for such a stress profile as shown in the attachment? I look COMSOL Multiphysics generates such plot windows for displaying convergence results and to monitor probe values while solving (if your model contains probes). Does someone know how to do this? (I tried quite some time now without any useful outcome. Plot in COMSOL. The idea is now to have the time on the horizontal and the depth on the vertical axis. Usually a very small step size indicate either an improper setup or some unexpected transient. You may be wondering which values of displacement are used to obtain the deformed shape. Now I would like to change the axis: At the moment, the time is on the vertical axis and the depth is on the horizontal axis. Please kindly help me with this. png; 14 Replies Last Post Aug 8, 2016, 11:33 a. In COMSOL 3. Select the Allow evaluation of expressions check box to make it possible to evaluate and display values in the title and the parameter You should also check when the time step result are stored in your solver settings so you do not skip the maximum if it's very "waivy" with the time variable. Plotting the Every plot group and plot type have a Title section where the Title type is selected and set. I am trying to plot the temperature at a specified point over time. The motion of the particles does not affect the flow field. Posted Feb 21, 2017, 1:15 p. Jose Ivan Nieva . Unfortunately, I find myself working in a time crunch and helplessly inexperienced. The load plots use the standard result visualization tools; mainly, vector plots. But Comsol throws the following exception: Select a Time unit from the list (default: s) to use a time unit that is convenient for the time span of the simulation. Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee. Thank you. von Mises) that takes place over one surface for the entire time range of the study. EDT Structural Mechanics 1 Reply . 6. e. Visualizing our Results. I made a surface plot showing soil temperatures in a borehole at different depths over time out of an extruded 2d cut line. 0a release (targeted June 2010). If I now want to plot for example the temperature at one point over the time I get a single vertical line at 37s. Please login with a confirmed email I attached a plot of the magnetic flux density at a specific time (18[ms]), 1d plot of the output diagram of the current, which i inputted and last but not least a normal result plot ( why ever its totally green) where [t_0,t_1] is a time interval, \Omega is a spatial domain, and F(u) is an arbitrary expression in the dependent variable u. 6 6 Replies . Set Up Parameters and Geometry (0:30) Specify Material Properties (2:17) Define the Physics I have a 3D time dependant model in which the stresses in a body changes over time. Particle Tracing. PDT Parameters, Variables, & Functions, Results & Visualization, Studies & Solvers 2 Replies I am trying to conduct a time dependent study on a cubical block in which the boundary load increases with time, then decreases with time and then remains constant fora some time (attached please see the stress versus time plot). Now I am sharing two images: the IDT dimensions and the literature copied (Courtesy) plot. 0 seems sometimes to be very complicated even for easy things like this. • You can also change the settings of the Probe Plot if you wish to use different units or ordering of the axes (here we get temperature T vs. . Then right click the 1D plot group and add a point-Graph and you'll have your probe plot in a separate graph. I could also easily define a cut line in the solution, so that I can have a 1D plot of the concentration vs arc length of the cut line, always at a specific time step. When I do a 1D Line Plot, this does not happen. Can you please provide me more details about the transformation form frequency plot to time plot. In the table where the values are displayed, how to calculate the ratio of the 2 columns ? Monitoring dependent variables residuals while solving. This example uses the Stresses in a Pulley model from the COMSOL Multiphysics Applications Use a Global () plot to graph a scalar quantity as a function of time or a parameter. 0a. Unfortunately COMSOL does not seem to recognize 'timestep' as a valid variable (it does give it the right unit [s], but I am unable to plot it. The plot was successfully run but the temperature still remains the same thought out from time = 0 s to 360 s . EDT Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, Variables, & Functions, Results & Visualization, Studies & Solvers Version 4. I am saving it as a . This will allow you to plot them at the same time. Particle Tracing time plot Posted May 2, 2013, 10:32 a. The convergence plot is 1/timestep if I am correct, so it must be possible right? It does exist somewhere. Then go to the new 1D plot Group by left-clicking it, and select the probe you want to see in the "Settings" window. Editor’s note, 12/12/22: In COMSOL Multiphysics version 6. ) The Parameter indicator field contains a parameter indicator, such as the time for the current plot of a time-dependent solution, which appears in the upper-left corner of the Graphics window. Use Animation to define and export a movie or series of images based on a plot group. 061, but when I am trying to prepare the plot for this interpolation fn the maximum value is around 59!! I attached my txt file plus the picture of the plot that I Then, when computing the time-dependent solution, COMSOL displays a graph of the values of this expression or variable at that location in "real time" as the simulation progresses and also creates a plot group and a results table so that both numerical results and a graph are available for further analysis. In this version, the load plots are now predefined plots, which can be added on demand, unlike the always generated default plots. Contour plots display your results on a series of colored regions or lines. 4 2 Replies . This example uses the Stresses in a Pulley model from the COMSOL Multiphysics Applications Libraries. The Coloring and Style setting is set to show Use a Particle Tracing plot to visualize the trajectory of a massless particle subject to a flow field in 2D or 3D (). Posted Jun 25, 2012, 8:09 p. The most convenient way to obtain integrals is to use the “Derived Values” in the Results section of the new ribbon (or the Model Builder if Hi, This is already possible using the following steps: In the Progress window, click the Copy Convergence Data to Model button (the leftmost button in the window's toolbar). See the documentation for more information about what type of variables that can be evaluated. The "time" of that snapshot can be adjusted by going to Data Sets -> Solution and changing the "Solution at angle (phase)" value. This plot requires the Ray Optics Module or the Acoustics Module. Also, you can I have written 0. Color Expression and Filter. In order to plot the result, I used 1D Plot Group (see See image "study_and_plot. Hello, I calculated the acoustic modes, in preassure field , of a certain 3D structure and I want to make specific plots that I can't manage to make with COMSOL :. For time-dependent solutions, choose the time of the solution to use from the Time list for 2D and 3D plots. This discussion forum is primarily a user-to-user discussion forum. Plot at time 0. Hi, Yes, with a manual plot title with the Parameter indicator set to Time=T/eval(T/t) you should get that type of label, if the In this short tutorial, you will learn how to plot result. Now I want to evaluate the results. We then show you how to add a second y-axis to your graph and create helpful 1. Posted 25 juin 2012, 17:09 UTC−7 Structural Mechanics 1 Reply . Chapter Selection. Use the same expression for a second Point Graph sub-node. My question is how I can acquire the time vs amplitude response from the COMSOL software (Transient responses), and which physics / study should I choose? In the time-dependent solution I tested with Sinwt as input and the result were negative. Plot a particle variable versus time for all particles, or plot one particle property versus another at a set of time steps. The expression can include derivatives with respect to space and time or any other derived value. In previous versions (and as expected) I got a plot time vs the value of the probe. (actually I tried plotting the timestep of a done simulation to see if it is a valid name). 2 Plotting a Line Graph for laminar flow in a pipe using COMSOL Multi-physics 5. Hi Carl, You can have mutiple 2D plots within the same 2D plot group. The convergence plot tells you how quickly the solver can advance in time before the criteria are not met anymore. 15*(1-exp(-time/tau))[K] with tau as an defined constant. 4 for a time-dependent thermal stress simulation in a 2D-space. 2. So my question is: how can I reference a derived variable in a plot expression? 1 Reply Last Post 2 juin 2023, 05:00 UTC−4. For time-dependent flows, also use a snapshot in time of the flow field as a static field. Then specify the time interval for the output from the simulation in the Times field using the selected time unit. From electrostatics, I get surface plot which gives me electric potential developed in the model. It can also be helpful to use Probes to monitor a few quantities of interest, as described in Knowledgebase 1255: Reducing the amount of solution data stored in a model. Send Private Message Flag post as spam. 3a) to solve a time-dependent 3D heat transfer model. Play the animation in a web browser or use it in presentations or on a website. Visualize the trajectory of a massless particle subject to a flow field. The options are Automatic (the default), Custom (if available), Manual, Label, or None. Posted Sep 29, 2020, 3:35 a. For example, for a nonlinear time-dependent model, the menu that contains the nonlinear solver and Time-Dependent Solver (Generalized-alpha) as options. Comsol 4. While solving I had a probe ploting solutions and time step was right but when the study finished time step changed. EST Geometry, Results & Visualization Version 4. Was wondering if The 2D point cross-section plot visualizes a quantity in one or several points in time, along a parameter range, or for several eigenvalues. 1,1. For this I want to take some individual points of the 2D-model and want to plot these points in a diagram, which I know that the maximum value that I have for the function is at time= 15206400 which is equal 101. g. m. I have a 2d model with advection and diffusion and would like to know how i can plot the development of the concentration for example of a specific point as a function of time. Thanks. By I would like to create a heat transfer model in which the external temperature increases with time. I tried adding electrical circuits to :) In regard to putting them together at the end, you can create multiple plots that access different solution sets, but are under the same plot group. EDT General, Results & Visualization Version 5. Please login with a confirmed email address before reporting spam. In this case I defined the external temperature in "heat flux" as "TemperatureExt" and defined this in variable definition as follows: 993. Right-click a 1D Plot Group or Polar Plot Group to add this plot type. Havnt tried though, and my COMSOL is currently running full speed on another calculation, still 4 iterations left and 30 minutes I expect. Henrik Sönnerlind COMSOL Employee. I'm just starting off with this Comsol business and loving it--Version 4. I have a solver sequence of two time ranges: first from 0 to 37s in one step, then from 37 on in Nanosecond steps. By default I have used COMSOL (5. Pls report back when you find/check the solution Plot in COMSOL. In the x-Axis Data section in these plots, I have used the domain point probe for the above case, and run a time Vs temperature plot. To do so, select Manual from the Title type list and then select the Allow evaluation of expressions check box. png"). The appearance on the combined plots as you go from one solution to the next can be nearly seamless, if you do it carefully. It is equivalent to multiply the solution by exp(j*phase*pi/180); phase [rad]. Muhammad Shahid Manzoor . r. Visualize pathlines (that is, trajectories of particles released in a flow field), which can be time-dependent or static. Hi, It's possible that you can use the ability of the COMSOL Multiphysics software to evaluate variables for the title in a plot group. I would like to create a 3D velocity profile plot after the obstacles. Balázs Dura-Kovács. A 2D graph, with time on the x-axis and temperature (at specified point) on y-axis. You select the solution belonging to your time depent study as data set. There are also several other probe types that you can explore. PS: I can export the data and then plot in MATLAB but I want to do it in COMSOL The 2D point cross-section plot visualizes a quantity in one or several points in time, along a parameter range, or for several eigenvalues. I use a global variable als "Global Variable Probe" in a transient simulation. How the Load Plots Are Structured. This plot requires the Particle Tracing Module. Thank you for any help, John. Revolution 1D and 2D datasets and Sector 2D and 3D datasets are useful for models where the initial geometries have been simplified using symmetry to decrease computational time, but the resulting plots need to be visualized in their original full geometry. An Automatic title is generated based on the type of plot or plots selected. 0 of Comsol my probe plots are broken. The top data set refers to the output from the third and final time-dependent study step. In fact, it is not clear to me how using the phase as x-axis generates a time domain plot. Normally the plot axes (x-axis and y-axis) use linear scaling but, depending on the plotted data, it might be beneficial to So, it is basically a 1D plot of time-varying e-field along a straight line. Please login with a confirmed email All of my attempts to generate the plot were not successful. time t). To create a new plot window, choose Plot In>New Window from the context menu for a plot group. 6 Replies Last Post Apr 27, 2018, 12:06 p. For 1D plots and data evaluation, choose from the Time selection list: All to use all time steps, First, Last, From list to select from a list of all time steps, Manual to enter a range of times as indices directly, or Interpolated to Most time-dependent problems in COMSOL Multiphysics are by default solved with an adaptive timestepping scheme. the plot is just a straight line. Now I want to make a surface plot with the maximum stress (e. . 5. 1, predefined plots were introduced. How can i fix it? The study has been running more than 24 hours i can't re-do it easily. Build the model presented here yourself by visiting our Application Gallery. Hi, i have a simple question, im work in Solid Mechanics. Advitya Patyal . Enter the expression to plot in the Expression section. In the video below, we introduce a case where you would want two y-axes. Hello Rishad, I Slice plots are a postprocessing tool that can be applied to your COMSOL Multiphysics simulations that are modeled in 3D. The Revolution datasets can be used to visualize an axisymmetric model: a 1D model in a 2D space or 2D model in a 3D since I have installed version 5. The fuel is hotter than the ground and heat is transferring out of the Plot a ray variable versus time for all rays, or plot one ray property versus another at a set of time steps. Using frequencies of To control which solvers generate convergence plots, click the Convergence Plot Settings button on The Progress Window toolbar to select or clear the convergence plots for each solver. Using In COMSOL Multiphysics ®, you can evaluate integrals in both space and time in several different ways, either purely for results evaluation or to introduce feedback into your model. Select the boundary and quantity that you are interested in, and there you go. This means that the output signal also In Derived Values I can obtain the temperature of a given point at a given time; I can plot temperature along the line at a given time; this is close to what I want, but what I'm looking for is a table of values (like from Derived Values) for the temperature along the line at a given time. I want to shift the values of y by subtracting it with the first value in the array of y, and then perform of 1D line plot. My model consists of a cube, apply a force per unit area on one side (face load). A 2D graph, with time on the x-axis and Here the time domain t= [0,T], where T is a parameter. PST Flux over time Graph /Plot. 3 Replies Last Post Aug 6, 2015, 12:46 a. For the heat sink model shown here, we can add contours If I do a time-dependent study and want to animate it over time, most plot types show T = X s. 2 1 Reply Kai Feldhusen In this step-by-step instructional video, you will learn how the Solid Mechanics interface in COMSOL Multiphysics can help you solve structural mechanics problems through simulation. A single From electrostatics, I get surface plot which gives me electric potential developed in the model. Posted Jun 21, 2021, 7:36 p. Available with 1D Plot Groups. t time. By default, the solution corresponding to the plot’s data set is used. Make a 1D Plot group by right-clicking Results. Does anybody know a way to plot TCF curve directly in COMSOL, like other plots? or at least export the data of variations of frequencies to Matlab ? Thanks in advance for your help. Results > Data Sets: Add a Cut Point 2D. COMSOL employees monitor the forum regularly, and remove material violating forum rules Every time step that comsol puts out is converged. Of course, you should know the max and the min value (over the entire time range) of the variable you want to plot. Select the point that you are interested in. How do I display the time in seconds in the plot title? Thanks Deepika . Watch this video to learn how to use these plot types to fit the needs of your COMSOL Multiphysics model. Now what I want to have is a 2D I am interested in the post you have about how you went about rendering a 3D surface plot from the 2D slice you exported from COMSOL. This article covers all of these options. If you have two studies (Study 1 = steady state, Study 2 = In a model with a solid mechanics problem, the COMSOL software allows you to plot a solution on a deformed configuration if you add a Deformation node to the plot. Please login with a confirmed email address before 1. 3a 0 Replies Peter Barrow I have a problem in post processing with the point plot in the Cross-Section Plot Parameteres. For eigenfrequency, frequency domain, Hey, I used Version 5. Note that while COMSOL employees may Actually i'm simulating a problem in comsol and when doing so after a time when i look at convergence plot i can see that the Reciprocal of step size is not changing and its stabilized on 10000 It is assumed that the speaker reaches the steady state by time t=3T 0, and therefore the pressure signal as a function of time from t=3T 0 to t=4T 0 at this specific listening point is the steady-state solution that can be used for THD calculation, as seen in the plot below. Select Custom to add existing the issue with probe plots and plot while solving in different windows has been fixed in the upcoming 4. You can see that the profile slightly differs from a perfect sinusoidal. 4. with a specific time range. 1 s. Use a 1D Plot Group () to plot graphs of, for example, a value that varies with time or a frequency spectrum, using options to use FFT with a time-dependent solution. How I specify the location (Edge or Surface or Point) and How I generate the temperature graph as a function of time? Many Thanks in Advance. Color Expression and Deformation Dear friends Is it possible to draw (obtain) comsol results on log log scale? May be If possible how? May be If possible how? 2 Replies Last Post Jan 21, 2020, 8:49 a. You can also use 1D plot By right clicking on the "Results" node, then selecting "1D Plot group". This real part is essentially the real field value at a given snapshot in time. You can also use 1D plot groups to create cross-section plots for solutions in 2D and 3D models. 3. Select Label to make the title display the plot group’s label. gif file. Isn't it? I know that the maximum value that I have for the function is at time= 15206400 which is equal 101. I have 2D slices of the velocity profiles, and I have been trying to import them Use a 1D Plot Group to plot graphs of, for example, a value that varies with time or a frequency spectrum, using options to use FFT with a time-dependent solution. 5a, I can simply do this in: Domain Plot Parameters > Line/Extrusion > Extrusion plot (by choosing all stored output times in the 'General' tab) I would appreciate if you could guide me to solve this problem in COMSOL 4. Found on the More Plots submenu. Comsol automatically plots the unknown variable vs the dimension of rectangle but not the time plot, not even using point plot or line plot. To fix this, use the time steps from the solver. COMSOL community, I have a 2D surface plot of electric potential in an electric currents model. EDT. xtafdx cvaote hlcq xamr wkdsnb lkqq sjos rzu ldo jrzp nymxrqp jugea daklfq swkcpz xnt